This page summarizes upcoming events and other news items.
446591 SGT Rodney Beames
It is with extreme sadness and regret we advise of the passing of our good mate and Royal South Australia Regiment Association President, Rodney Beames after a long battle with cancer. Rod passed away in the Royal Adelaide Hospital in the company of his daughters Narelle, Kim and Julie and their families late on 12th September 2024.
Rod was a passionate member of the Association since joining in 2008 and became President in 2013, continuing to serve in that role until he was forced to step down due to ongoing ill health in late 2023. He remained in that position however, until he passed away.
He joined the Australian Citizens Military Forces as a Signaller in 1968 and transferred to the Infantry in 1970, reaching the rank of Sergeant and instructing on many recruit and promotions courses at Hampstead Barracks, El Alamein, Torrens Training Depot and Murray Bridge over the years. He served with 144 Sig Sqdn, 43 RSAR, 27 RSAR, 4 Training Group and 10 RSAR. He was well known for his loud bellowing voice when giving commands and was well respected by his soldiers and peers alike.
Rod was a member of many associations and a Chairman of the board of the West Beach Community Bendigo Bank, helping to set up that branch nearly 20 years ago. He was coordinator of the local chapter of Neighbourhood Watch, Secretary of the SA Shack Owners Association, President of the Kellidie Bay Shack Owners Association, a member of the Adelaide Airport Consultative Committee, Representative on the Defence Reserves Association of SA and a member RSAR Regimental Council, amongst other organisations and community groups. He was made an Honorary Member for Life by the RSAR Association in 2021 for his achievements and leadership of the group as its President.
Rod lost his dear wife and soul mate Cheryl to cancer in 2020, but soldiered on in his role as President, putting aside his grief and sorrow for the betterment of his friends and colleagues. He has been very ably supported by his family in the years since, and we send our most sincere condolences to them.
He was instrumental in strengthening the liaison between the Association and the Battalion to new heights, and was passionate in his love for the Regiment, its history, and especially for the Band of the 10th/27th Battalion RSAR, which he held in very high regard.
He was first diagnosed with cancer in 2019 just before COVID changed all our lives, and he was initially only given a few weeks to live, but battled on to prove the medicos wrong. Suffering through many bouts of chemotherapy and other invasive treatments he carried on until he could no longer maintain his momentum, and sadly his body succumbed more than 4 years later.
Rod Beames will be remembered as a good friend and colleague to many former and current serving soldiers, and a hard working President and Committee member whose ambition and fortitude ensured the good name of the Royal South Australia Regiment would be perpetuated for many years to come.
The Royal South Australia Regiment Association and the Regiment have lost one of their best supporters.
I have lost a good mate.
Stand down my friend. Your duty is done!
2020 Bushfire Assist
To all the members of the 10th/27th Battalion Battle Group who supported the Emergency Services on Kangaroo Island and the Adelaide Hills during the devastating bushfires, let it be known that Australia is proud of you.
For the first time in history legislation was enacted that allowed our Reservists to be called up on CFTS (Continuous Full Time Service) and assist fighting the fires and repairing some of the damage done by the fires. As this website goes to “print,” our soldiers are still on the fire front line, doing whatever they can to make life a bit easier for the Emergency Services and for the people of Kangaroo Island and in the Adelaide Hills.
The Battlegroup deployed in record time, and in very short periods were already on the ground while we were still reading about it in the newspapers.
From Rod Beames, President of the RSAR Association Inc, there is this “This morning I had the pleasure of watching the troops from the 10/27 Battle Group depart from Keswick on their way to Kangaroo Island. I spoke to a couple before they boarded the buses and they were keen, and understood their task. It brought a lump to one’s throat as they drove past and waved farewell.
I then met the new RSM of the Battalion, WO1 John Craig. He has just taken up his position and has hit the ground running. This is all “new Territory” for Reservists but there is a sense of confidence that it will lead to a successful outcome. The RSM attends at least 2 briefings each day in reference to the fires and 10/27 Bn’s support role.
The fight is far from over, but we will support our soldiers as they are supporting the people of South Australia.”
Those of you with Facebook and other social media platforms would have already seen most of the pictures featured here. We owe a debt of gratitude to the photographers, who are too numerous to name, however we do wish to thank Trent Burnard for keeping our RSARA Facebook page well informed, and Mark Blondell (& friends) for reporting directly from the fire front.
You people are all amazing, and while those of us too old or too important to go, sit at home and watch, you continue to uphold the traditions of the Australian Defence Force. Pro Patria (which actually means “For Country.”)
Constitution and Rules
Here is a copy of the current constitution (As at 07 August 2022). click here.

Other News
Search Photos: You can now search the photos (as well as the text) on this website using the Search Boxes at the top right of the Home page.
Items For Sale: Regimental ties, Association polo shirts and other items are available for sale. The Polo Shirt has an association badge woven into the fabric. Order yours now. To go to the Merchandise page click here.
Constitution: Click here to read the Constitution and Rules of the Association.
South African War Memorial in Adelaide: Listen to the 4 narratives for the soundpost by clicking here or for more info
Information about the Nasho Memorial at Keswick: Click Here
RSAR History: A link has been added to the History page to enable download of a more detailed narrative of RSAR history, prepared by WO1 Adrian Hodges, RSM 10/27 Bn 2012 – 2015. Click here to go straight to the narrative.
Pro Patria Journal 2014 – prepared by WO2 Craig Thomson click here
ARMY – The Soldiers Newspaper: Published by Dept of Defence (This is quite separate to newsletters published by RSAR Association branches.) A link has been added to the Links page. To view ARMY click here.
ANZAC Day March 2013:
To see a short video of the RSARA Group marching on ANZAC Day 2013 click here